Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement
This research is being planned and carried out in collaboration with women who have experienced overnight stays on postnatal wards. In this way, the study is grounded in the real experiences of the people the study aims to benefit. Below is a summary of PPIE activity.
Advisory group
A group made up of ten women with recent experience of overnight stays on postnatal wards across the country. The group have a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, representing the diverse group this research aims to benefit. The group will meet three times over ten months to share their feedback and ideas at key stages in the project.
Open meetings
During the data analysis phase of the research, study committee meetings will be made open to the public. Advisory group members will be invited, as well as women with experience of postnatal ward stays, who may not have been able to take part in the study or join the advisory group.
Expert by experience
One member of the PPIE advisory group also sits on the study committee to ensure the voice of the group is included in all aspects of research delivery.